group activities

  • Join in on our regular walks to meet new friends and boost your health.

    Tuesdays 9.15am

    Meet at Cobram Community House

    2025 walks commence on Tuesday February 4th.

  • The Cobram Service Providers meeting is open to any people involved or interested in the provision of services in Cobram or surrounding communities.

    Email: or Phone: 03 5872 2224 to join the group.

    The next meeting is online via Zoom at 10.00am on Tuesday February 25th, 2025.

  • Cobram community garden

    Nestled behind Cobram Community House, our community garden is a unique space for the community to enjoy.

    If you would like to volunteer at the garden or maintain a plot please contact us on 03 5872 2224, or drop in at Cobram Community House at 43-45 Punt Road.

    The garden is for the community to use and enjoy.

  • The Cobram U3A group is a self help learning group, which provide social activities and short courses for the over 55’s.

    The University of the Third Age (the age of active retirement) began in France in 1972 and in 1984-85 groups were established in Melbourne.

    Today there are 100 U3A groups throughout Victoria.

    The Cobram U3A group meet on a regular basis for social and learning activities.

    Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 

    (Membership based)

    On the first Tuesday of the month Cobram and District U3A hold a morning tea at Killara House (in Cobram Showgrounds).

    Ring Ruth on 0438597401 for information about this group.

  • This image shows someone creating a hand sewn quilt

    If you are an experienced or a beginner quilter, and you like to share information, do quilt projects and mix with other quilters then this may be the group for you.

    If you are an experienced or a beginner quilter, and you like to share information, do quilt projects and mix with other quilters then this may be the group for you.

    Come along on the 2nd Friday of each month at Cobram Community House.

    10.00am start. Stay a while or stay all day.

    Bring your own lunch.

    The quilters also meet at the Yarroweyah Hall.

  • Cobram Mens Shed

    The Men’s Shed is where men can get together and enjoy doing ‘blokey stuff’ in the company of other like-minded men. The guys in the shed  invite you to to come along to get creative in the workshop or just have a chat and a cuppa with other guys at the shed.

    Meet: Monday – Friday.  9am – 12noon Contact: David 0419542067

    Membership based.

  • .Cobram Garden Club

    Members of the Garden Club, collectively, have a wealth of experience between them.

    Their monthly meetings may include guest speakers, sales tables, opportunities to share information and sometimes they go on garden themed tours. 

    This club meets on the Third Thursday of the month at 10am. Contact Kath Remmerswaal (Secretary)

    Meetings are held at Killara House.

  • Held at Cobram Community House, 43-45 Punt Road, Cobram Vic.

    Thursdays 10.30am – 11.30am. Resumes on February 6th, 2025

    If you are new to town or live alone our Chatty Cafe may be an opportunity to meet and connect as it’s a great way to meet new people and enjoy a yarn in an informal community setting.

    Enjoy a cuppa, some cake and a chat at this welcoming cafe.

    All welcome.

  • A female and an older man in a friendly embrace.

    Are you providing unpaid care and support to a family member or friend with a disability, mental illness, chronic or terminal condition, substance dependency, or age-related frailty? If so, we warmly invite you to join our Connecting Carers on our Community Program.

    We believe that carers deserve recognition, support, and empowerment. Our program offers a variety of activities designed to help you connect, learn, and practice self care. From regular social events and group meetings to informative workshops and sessions with expert service providers, we’re here to provide the resources and community you need.

    Join us and become part of a supportive network that understands the challenges of caregiving and is committed to supporting you in your caring role.

    Contact us on 58722224 to register for the program.

  • Join Heather and learn how to create something unique, interesting and beautiful.

    All materials supplied

    Every second Monday

    1:00pm – 3:00pm

    $7 per class to cover materials

    Recommencing February 10th, 2025.